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Hot Like Mexico, Rejoice

The gods have spoken. Lady Gaga has selected a director for her newest video, Alejandro. Steven Klein was given the honor and yes, he is a fashion photographer. It's not a complete shock given Gaga's torrid affair with both fashion big wigs and little known crazies that share her penchant for the avant guard. But lets review: Steven Klein's most recent work. I wanted to explore his aesthetic and see what attracted Gaga to him and what he can potentially input into the project. His site,, is rich with photographic content and beautifully laid out with every Ad/editorial/media project he has done, including a few haunting motion projects that exhibit his potential video editing style. All in all, I was extremely satisfied that his style seems to fit my visual musings of Alejandro frighteningly to a T. I have a deep love for her and her music and I was put off and frankly disappointed with the vulgar, choppy, and boring Telephone video that was perhaps hyped too much by myself and her fans. Here's a best-of gallery of Steven Klein's style and how he's gonna firefight, gonna cool the bad that was Telephone. Vamos.

I wanted to start with his most recent work to date, Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston in W promoting their romantic comedy. Note Jennifer's gargantuan cross hanging from her neck and her severe lack of pants compared to her demure lace top. The entire situation is fantastically Gaga with Jennifer being shoved into an old police car in the center of some godforsaken desert. If this is where he's at stylistically, I see bright horizons.

Seeing Bruce Willis so helpless and sexual irks me to say the least, but the spread speaks for itself. Masochism is such a heavy element in the song and it's tone and here it's displayed in a near desirable way. It could very well be the Lady herself perched atop Bruce in the black bird suit.

Creepy? Why do I feel this is creepy? I don't know but its so deliciously disturbing. Check plus.

We all know this ad campaign from the magazine's on our coffee tables right now and it is one of Steven Klein's most recent exports. This presents the potential romanticism that is also imperative for the music video. It is a love song... sort of.

Here we have Alejandro multiplied and the exact tone I would like to see. My bet is that Gaga saw this campaign, which is D&G's current one, and demanded to have Klein for her video. It really is perfect.

Ginnfer Goodwin in W, a common canvas for Klein. Speechless.

Angelina Jolie in his adapted W spread, the once "Domestic Bliss" spread was transformed for his own gritty film. This is a still of the product.

Scarlett Johannson in a short W profile. Moon shines away as she's howlin' at it.

Lara Stone in W a while back. Situationally, Alejandro is nearly mirrored in this shoot. Lara in the third picture IS Gaga.

Ahh the coveted Posh and Becks shoot for W. A vacant desert, slick hot bodies, and a violent undertone capture Alejandro's untouchable emotions that I hope Klein calls on when directing Alejandro. I'll leave the post at this saccerine eye candy and cross my fingers that Gaga doesn't let us down this time. So happy I could die.

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Separated at Birth

I discovered that the mass murderer Jason from the Friday the 13th movies has the full name Jason Vorhees. It was then that I discovered the mystery behind Stephanie Vorhees' incompetence and now understand her lineage. I hope their mother is proud of their media success. I mean come on, same expression and everything.
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