Okay, so I am an Emerson student. Stationed in Boston and I come from suburbia so the "hipster" scene is foreign to me. However, the trend is in full swing here on my campus. We're talking plaid everywhere, leggings, hair a mess, cigarette limply hanging from their fingers. I live in a fucking urban outfitters catalogue. It's aesthetically stimulating at first, but after a semester, hearing about how everything is about some sort of artsy, morbid, self-pitying cause, in order to resist becoming one of them, you must laugh at their utter ridiculousness.

So when I find people drowning along with me, we bond, ergo what occurred when i discovered THIS website.

Lookatthisfuckinghipster.com is a mock-sartorialist blog where this kid/guy/girl/person takes pictures of hipsters he sees on the streets and has no mercy poking fun of them. I absolutely love this blog. This blog is based in NYC but obviously they share my sick love/hate of hipsters.

I do have to hand it to these guys, the hipsters I mean. They certainly have some serious guts to wear the shit that they do. Fashion forward? Not quite, but certainly ballsy.

Respect, respect.